Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You're A.....

BOY!!! We went to the doctor yesterday for our first sonogram and found out that you are a healthy baby boy! We were right...we thought you were a boy all along! You are growing so fast and everything looked just perfect! We got to see all of your bones, your heart, brain, stomach, kidneys and other organs! It was just amazing...I've never seen anything like that before! It truly is a miracle and you will never know how much your daddy and I love you already! It was so cool to see you in my tummy! It was so much fun too because you wouldn't stop moving around! The lady who was doing the sonogram had to chase you around in order to get good pictures of you! She said that she hasn't seen a baby that active in a really long time! So we might be seeing your personality already...I don't think that me and your dad are going to get much down time once you get here, but we can't wait!! It is so exciting to know that you are a boy so we can start planning! I feel like we haven't done much of anything to prepare for your arrival (picking names, painting, putting together furniture, etc.) but now we can get started!!

We also learned that you will be coming sooner than we thought!! After our last appointment my tummy measured a little bigger than normal so they wanted to measure your growth. After measuring how big you were it looks like I am 21 weeks and 4 days which is about 2 weeks further along than we all thought! So what that means is your due date got moved from July 10th to June 27th!! We are really excited that we might get to meet you sooner!

Monday, February 2, 2009

You Moved!!

Well early on in pregnancy there are questions about whether ot not there is really another human being growing in your tummy. After I felt you move there was absolutley no question!! Friday night, January 30th, I was laying on the couch watching re-runs of Sex and the City for the hundreth time when I felt something that I had never felt before. It was a funny fluttering feeling in my stomach! At first I laid there trying to decide what I had just felt...was it you...was it gas...I wasn't sure! Then I felt it again and I were moving around and for the first time I could feel it!! It is such a cool feeling and really one that is hard to describe! I can't wait until you start kicking so that daddy can feel it too! We have another appointment tomorrow which is always fun because we get a chance to hear your heartbeat and hopefully soon we will get to find out if you are a boy or a girl! We just got your crib this week and will be putting it together soon! We have been waiting to make too much progress on your room until we find out if you are a boy or a girl! We will keep working on it and then in a few months Grandma Fairchild will be doing some painting! More to come on the progress of your room and as you conitnue to grow and we get closer to meeting you!!